In our first six sessions for the Summer Term from April 24th until July 3rd 2012, we moved deeper into exploring some basic Kabbalistic models of the psyche as taught by Halevi through the Kabbalah Society. We were focussing particularly of the 'lower face' of the psychological Tree of Life (the world of Yetzirah) starting with the 'great triad' that centres around Yesod from Malkut to Hod and Nezach. (Which is Hebrew code for the interplay of physical sensations (Malkut), thoughts (Hod) and feelings (Nezach) that form our ego self (Yesod) moment after moment.)
We started by revisiting the corresponding great triad in the physical tree of Assiyah. Halevi describes the three smaller triads within this great triad as representing the three body types of :
1) Mesomorph (muscle based and placed on the Malkut, Yesod, Nezah triad)
2) Ectopmorph (nerve based and placed on the Malkut, Yesod, Hod triad)
3) Endomorph (gut based and placed on the Yesod, Hod, Nezah triad)
Joyce gave an interesting session relating this Western model to the Eastern Ayurvedic one with the Three Ayurvedic Doshas being compared to Sheldon's Somatypes as follows:
1) Mesomorph, Pita, muscular structure and quick, articulate and passionate character with efficient and regular habits and a quick temper.
2) Ectopmorph, Vata, lean structure and changeable, imaginative character with a tendency to be anxious
3) Endomorph, Kapha, plump structure with a relaxed, laid back character with a tendency to be overweisght and sometimes slow or obstinate.
In the group we had fun filling in some dosha/body type questionnaires and figuring out how we saw ourselves and each other. Although these categories are generalisations and each person contains aspects of each, most of us could relate more to a certain type and there was something helpful in seeing this as the genetic cards we are dealt and need to work with. There are also useful insights in recognising how different people are and seeing this as equal expressions of divine diversity!
In subsequent sessions we moved onto the four triads centered around the Yesod of the Yetziratic Tree on which Halevi sets out four psychological or ego types (and relates these to the four traditional 'humours')
1) Sensing Type (Malkut, Yesod, Nezach) Phlegmatic
2) Thinking Type (Malkut, Yesod, Hod) Melancholic
3) Feeling Type (Yesod, Nezach, Tiferet) Choleric
4) Intuitive Type (Yesod, Hod, Tiferet) Sanguine
Again, Joyce drew some interesting comparisons, this time with the Jungian Ego functions, which particularly highlighted how each of us has a highly developed function, with its opposite function being underdeveloped. Reflection and discussion within the group showed that most all of us could identify with this and wished for greater awareness and a more balanced relationship between these different aspects of ourselves...and in our relationships with others!
We explored this balancing and healing potential through working with our Soul Garden meditation. Here we could imaginatively walk the paths between visual images symbolising these functions... connecting through awareness, for example, our inner study with our inner creative studio. We also literally 'walked the Tree' (having set out the structure with plates for the sefirot on the Vicarage lawn!) as a ritually intentioned act of awareness and balance.
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