
Welcome to our online journal...

We hope this will be a forum for companions of the School to share thoughts, feelings and experiences of Kabbalah and spiritual living.

We'll also be using this journal to keep a record of reflections following each of our fortnightly study sessions.

The journal is edited by tutors Sam Wernham and Joyce King. Please email us at   enquiries@treeoflifeschool.co.uk if you would like to contribute... thanks!

October 8, 2011

Astrology and Kabbalah

On Saturday 8th October day we enjoyed a fascinating day on Astrology and Kabbalah; when Jewish Kabbalist and astrologer Jonathon Clark joined us from the London Centre of the Kabbalah Society.

In the morning Jonathon reminded us of Kabbalistic fundamentals and related them to astrological ideas, setting the planets on the sefirot of the Tree of Life. He then covered the astrological basics of zodiac signs, planetary meanings and the house system in a very clear powerpoint presentation (available for Tree of Life School companions).

In preparation for the day, we had all sent in our birth details and Jonathon had both prepared our individual birth charts and set the planetary details on the Tree of Life for each of us. So in the afternoon Jonathon led the group in studying each person's chart, illuminating physical, psychological and spiritual themes for each person. This was not only very affirming and insightful at a personal level, but was also a great way to get to know each other better as companions in spiritual work.

Not only was this a fascinating day of study, but we were also blessed with warm sunshine and Joyce's wonderful hospitality. What could be better than to sit in out in the sun at lunchtime, in Joyce's beautiful garden with its inspiring view over Dartmoor, and be nourished by a delicious home cooked feast. All this with good companions and a great tutor!

Jonathon was heavily outnumbered by a lovely group of women + dog!

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