
Welcome to our online journal...

We hope this will be a forum for companions of the School to share thoughts, feelings and experiences of Kabbalah and spiritual living.

We'll also be using this journal to keep a record of reflections following each of our fortnightly study sessions.

The journal is edited by tutors Sam Wernham and Joyce King. Please email us at   enquiries@treeoflifeschool.co.uk if you would like to contribute... thanks!

July 13, 2011

Glimpsing God

Open to the light of the divine... like a flower in the dark depths of the forest floor.
On July 13th 2011, for our final session in the Introduction to Kabbalah Course, we took it in turns to share our own peak experiences or 'glimpses of God'. For some companions vision had opened unexpectedly at times of darkness or despair and they had found themselves graced with a direct experience of union, light and divine love. Others had experienced a more gradual awakening through quiet moments of insight and a slowly growing trust in a greater reality. It was deeply moving to hear each person speak of their innermost experiences and this is surely one of the great blessings of gathering in a spiritual group.

If you are reading this at home, why not try the following meditation to discover what you may receive...

Start by thinking of the middle pillar of the Tree of Life with its four centres of consciousness, one each at roots, trunk, branches and crown. 
Imagine it running through your own body like the trunk of a great Tree, from your feet rooted down on the Earth, through your base and heart, to the crown of your head that opens to the heavens above.

Focus first on the physical level and take time to tune into the physical
sensations of your body and breathing and be aware of any sounds or other impressions of the physical world around you. Keep returning your awareness to this physical focus, to fully honour this level of being.
Secondly, turn your attention to the inner flow of your thoughts and feelings. Simply observe them as they arise, flow and disperse... as you would if gazing at clouds moving across a clear sky. Let your awareness be like a clear mirror that turns away from nothing and allows all. Practise simply observing and try to neither judge and reject or get too caught up, identified or attached to the content of your experience.
Thirdly, gently focus on that which watches, on that which is aware. It may be like catching water in your fingers that constantly slips away. Keep returning to a state of alert presence, of waiting on God. Observe how the bodymind responds to waiting... perhaps getting bored, frustrated, generating distractions or criticisms. Keep watching and waiting without agenda, without expectation.

Simply be. Stay with this as long as you can...

Welcome to the Tree of Life School Online Journal...